Sunday, September 19, 2010

Lessons of Life

I was asked to speak at my high school a few months ago, 35 years after I had left it. This is what I shared with them as the lessons of my life.

1. Wherever you are, you must cause positive change. Success is measured by positive change. That which does not change, or cause change, is dead.
2. Let no one tell you that something is “too complex” to deal with. The adjectives simple and complex are purely circumstantial. “Unfamiliarity” is not to be confused with “difficulty” .
3. Believe that you can do it. If you do not believe in yourself why should others believe in you.
4. You have to be there to do it. Reflect on the topic intensely and imagine doing it.
5. Your passion must be criticized as obsessive. Till then you have not begun.
6. Reduce everything to elementary steps, and act on it one step at a time. Remember, it all happens in good time.
7. Take nothing for granted. Never stop questioning. When you stop, it is the end of learning.
8. Just go after the “grand” stuff. Choose no less.
9. Learn it well. When others can understand you, you have learned it well.
10.Avoid the tempting thrill of pretentiousness. If you need help do not be too proud or afraid to ask.
11. Nothing is ever done alone. It is a fallacy that credits have to add up to 100%.
12. Be like water, taking the shape of the container it is poured into; fluid and flexible to change, and open for surprise. Remember every pencil comes equipped with an eraser; make edits to you life as you go along.
13. Learn to accept the limitations and faults of others as you would readily demand that others pardon your shortcomings. This planet belongs to everyone.
14. C+P=D; The Choices we make + The Promises we keep = Our Destiny