Saturday, September 15, 2018

Shiva and Rudra

In the Vedas, Shiva and Rudra represent the all-pervading Brahman that is ceaseless. While we notice that everything around us goes through change, death is a particularly stark transformation, only because all activity apparently ceases. However, we should view death as necessary change comprising of a process of renewal. When things change, something has to die.  The aging or diseased body cannot persist in the sphere of activity for long and its energies and material content must reappear in another effective form.  By death and renewal, the Brahman remains ceaseless. In Rudra is portrayed the destruction of the aging present, while in Shiva we see the protection of the young present. Associated with the dissolution or destruction of the present, Rudra is represented as a fearful form of Brahman. While Shiva associated with the sustenance of the present, exudes compassion, peace, knowledge and bliss. Rudra and Shiva are two sides of the same coin of the all-pervading Brahman.  

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